Subrahmanyam AmbaChief People Officer
Savman DavidChief Supply Chain Officer
Olsson FredrikCEO, PVH EMEA
Fischer Mark DEVP, General Counsel & Sec.
Kohler DonaldCEO, PVH Americas
Larsson StefanChief Executive Officer
Holmes JamesEVP & Controller
Hagman MartijnCEO TH Global/PVH Europe
Coughlin ZacharyEVP, Chief Financial Officer
Serrano EvaGlobal Brand President, CK
Goldman Lea RytzGlobal Brand President, TH
Pvh Corp. /De/Chief People Officer
Mcpherson Amy
PVH Corp.
US, New York [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
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