Johnson Rady AExecutive Vice President
Bourla AlbertChairman & CEO
Fonseca LidiaExecutive Vice President
Denton David MChief Financial Officer & EVP
Mcdermott MichaelExecutive Vice President
Dolsten MikaelPresident R&D
Susman SallyExecutive Vice President
Malik AamirExecutive Vice President
Sahni PayalExecutive Vice President
Lankler Douglas MExecutive Vice President
Damico Jennifer B.SVP & Controller
Baum AndrewExecutive Vice President
Boshoff ChristoffelExecutive Vice President
De Germay AlexandreExecutive Vice President
Smith James C
Pfizer Inc.
US, New York [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Ordered by transcript time. Click a different Quarter to change the transcript