O'Brien Dana C.
Senior VP, GC & Secretary
Olin Corporation
US, Clayton [HQ]
Data Source
We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.
Latest Information
Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :
Transaction History
A29,543 Shares After TransactionValue : $1,189,401.18$134,991.78Transaction Date : 05/03/23
Footnotes:#1 Represents restricted shares awarded to the Reporting Person by the Company pursuant to the Company's standard director compensation arrangements for non-employee directors. The shares are subject to restrictions on their sale or other transfer and to forfeiture under certain circumstances.#2 As of the date of this filing, only the 3,353 shares just awarded are subject to restrictions on their sale or other transfer and to forfeiture under certain circumstances.
S25,901 Shares After TransactionValue : $4,555,726.89Sold $351,780.00Transaction Date : 12/18/24
Footnotes:#1 Transaction executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $175.76 to $176.12 per share, inclusive. The price reported in column 4 above reflects the average sale price per share. The Reporting Person hereby undertakes to provide the SEC staff, the Issuer or a security holder of the Issuer, upon request, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each respective price within the range set forth in this footnote.#2 Of these shares, 1,074 shares are subject to restrictions on their sale or other transfer and to forfeiture under certain circumstances.
A30,617 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 05/09/24
Footnotes:#1 These shares were awarded to the Reporting Person by the Company pursuant to the Company's standard director compensation arrangements for non-employee directors.
G27,901 Shares After TransactionValue : $n/a$0.0Transaction Date : 06/24/24
Footnotes:#1 Reflects the gift of common stock to a charitable fund.