
Nagarajan Sundaram

President and CEO
Nordson Corporation
US, Westlake [HQ]
CIK 1498509

Data Source

We automatically created this profile. The information was aggregated based on earnings call transcripts, insider forms and DEF 14A statements.

Latest Information

Shares :
Price per Share :
Equivalence :

Transaction History

  • 44,367,966 Shares After Transaction
    Value : $n/a
  • Footnotes:
    #1 Represents dividend equivalent rights ("DERs") in connection with the Issuer's quarterly dividend and accrued to the Reporting Person on restricted stock units ("RSUs") held by the Reporting Person. Each DER is the economic equivalent of one share of Issuer's common stock and vests on the same schedule as the underlying award.
    #2 Represents deferred share units ("DSUs") credited to the Reporting Person's deferred compensation account pursuant to the Issuer's Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors (the "Plan"). Each DSU is the economic equivalent of one share of Issuer's common stock and is eligible for distribution in the form of Issuer's common stock based on the schedule elected by the Reporting Person in accordance with the Plan.
  • 46,228,306 Shares After Transaction
    Value : $7,765,430,841.88
  • 61,188 Shares After Transaction
    Value : $12,663,468.48
  • 60,522 Shares After Transaction
    Value : $12,525,633.12
  • 47,880 Shares After Transaction
    Value : $12,496,201.20

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