Revenue for 0KV3.L
Statistics For 'Revenue'
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Filings 10-Q & 10-K
The Revenue of JPM-PC is 39.5 B USD, decreasing by -0.210 %.
The Revenue of JPM.NE is 42.7 B USD, decreasing by -0.148 %.
The Revenue of JPM is 39.5 B USD, decreasing by -0.210 %.
Sideways The Revenue of JOBY is 28000 USD, and it moved sideways (no notable change).
The Revenue of JNPR is 1.3 B USD, an increase of 0.119 %.
The Revenue of JNP.DE is 1.2 B USD, an increase of 0.035 %.
The Revenue of JNJ.DE is 22.5 B USD, an increase of < 0.005 %.
The Revenue of JNJ is 22.5 B USD, an increase of < 0.005 %.
The Revenue of JMT.LS is 8.5 B EUR, an increase of 0.029 %.
Sideways The Revenue of JLP.L is 130.7 M GBP, and it moved sideways (no notable change).