Cash Flow Statement

5 Sheets · From 2023 to 2019
In million, Margin in %
Metric 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Operating Activities
Operating Cash Flow (OCF)
7,795.00 6,934.00 11,913.00 6,496.00 8,095.00
Operating Cash (Net)
7,795.00 6,934.00 11,913.00 6,496.00 8,095.00
Accounts Receivable
- - - - - - - - - -
Accounts Payable
- - - - - - - - - -
Working Capital
- - - - - - - - - -
Forex Effect on Cash
41.00 -97.00 116.00 61.00 -76.00
Investing Activities
Used Cash (Net)
-7,447.00 -5,710.00 -11,891.00 -7,353.00 -5,029.00
Capital Expenditure
-183.00 -180.00 -199.00 -205.00 -409.00
Purchases of Investments
-44,176.00 -41,234.00 -53,158.00 -42,313.00 -57,254.00
Sale/Maturity of Investment
36,879.00 35,689.00 41,695.00 35,151.00 54,087.00
Property, Plant, Equipment (P&PE)
-183.00 -180.00 -199.00 -205.00 -409.00
Acquisitions (Net)
33.00 14.00 -229.00 13.00 -1,330.00
Other Investing Activities
- - - - 1.00 - - -123.00
Financing Activities
Used Cash (Net)
-227.00 -1,175.00 505.00 593.00 -1,485.00
Debt Repayment
- - - - - - -873.00 -2,024.00
Dividends Paid
-769.00 -758.00 -725.00 -807.00 -939.00
Common Stock
2.00 1.00 15.00 9.00 325.00
Other Financing Activities
181.00 -744.00 938.00 1,009.00 -2.00
Cash Balances
Begin of Period
3,843.00 3,948.00 4,254.00 4,551.00 3,596.00
End of Period
3,948.00 4,254.00 4,551.00 3,836.00 5,102.00
105.00 305.00 296.00 -714.00 1,506.00
Non-Cash Balances
Depreciation and Amortization
68.00 69.00 112.00 128.00 183.00
Stock Based Compensation
- - - - - - - - - -
-67.00 6,854.00 9,817.00 9,688.00 -4,788.00
Highlighted metrics
Free Cash Flow (FCF)
7,612.00 6,754.00 11,713.00 6,290.00 7,686.00
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)
- - - - - - - - - -
Invested Capital
- - - - - - - - - -