Science Applications International Corporation Profile Avatar - Palmy Investing

Science Applications International Corporation

Science Applications International Corporation provides technical, engineering, and enterprise information technology (IT) services primarily in the United States. The company's offerings include engineering; technology integration; IT modernization;

Information Technology Services
US, Reston [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Information Technology Services Average - - - - - - 221,928.77 405,773.89 9,383.35 4,801.78 -23,214.85 0.01 25.7090 159.57 0.2359 -0.0740 0.00 0.03 2.3569 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 10,364,924.00 30,637,299.00 511,522.00 151,362.00 271,783.00 0.08 673.3178 9,503.48 1.0000 0.7861 0.08 1.18 25.0239 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 -3,653.00 -163,280.00 -2,494,148.00 0.00 -1,108.8599 -134.12 -2.7543 -2.5193 -0.24 -0.65 0.0000 - -
ExlService Holdings, Inc. EXLS 44.70 -0.14 -0.31% 2,042 vs. 841 7,191.00 436.00 48.00 -33.00 1,132.00 0.3000 26.5416 0.0000 0.3457 0.1117 0.0607 0.0339 2.3231 160.00
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. JKHY 176.74 0.75 0.43% 1,023 vs. 583 12,894.00 538.00 87.00 44.00 3,020.00 1.2000 35.6541 0.0032 0.3906 0.1617 0.0489 0.0314 0.8503 72.00
Gartner, Inc. IT 491.25 10.03 2.08% 832 vs. 340 37,892.00 1,472.00 210.00 166.00 4,949.00 2.6900 44.4111 0.0000 0.6881 0.1429 0.2932 0.0273 0.7799 77.00
CDW Corporation CDW 174.53 1.25 0.72% 2,589 vs. 1,226 23,258.00 4,872.00 216.00 410.00 -1,474.00 1.6100 39.3467 0.0024 0.2182 0.0443 0.1010 0.0164 1.0819 133.00
Perficient, Inc. PRFT 75.96 0.48 0.64% 2,993 vs. 354 2,670.00 215.00 11.00 31.00 488.00 0.3400 41.1532 0.0000 0.3079 0.0537 0.0209 0.0106 4.2352 35.00
CACI International Inc CACI 402.72 2.79 0.70% 271 vs. 201 9,024.00 1,937.00 115.00 186.00 4,225.00 5.1700 18.1167 0.0000 0.3156 0.0595 0.0343 0.0170 1.0873 22.00
Genpact Limited G 42.19 -0.11 -0.26% 1,627 vs. 1,251 7,440.00 1,130.00 116.00 -50.00 1,144.00 0.6500 12.5770 0.0047 0.3426 0.1034 0.0509 0.0247 1.3948 176.00
Clarivate Plc CLVT 4.98 0.08 1.63% 6,201 vs. 5,339 3,537.00 621.00 -75.00 111.00 -6,739.00 -0.1100 -16.6280 0.0038 0.6494 -0.1207 -0.0127 -0.0060 0.7337 710.00
Science Applications International Corporation SAIC 111.42 1.31 1.19% 1,498 vs. 422 5,446.00 1,847.00 77.00 92.00 1,489.00 1.4900 22.0389 0.0029 0.1153 0.0417 0.0438 0.0147 0.8518 48.00
Leidos Holdings, Inc. LDOS 144.81 1.61 1.12% 1,354 vs. 1,218 19,322.00 3,975.00 284.00 46.00 2,595.00 2.0900 15.6939 0.0030 0.1605 0.0714 0.0667 0.0222 1.0850 133.00
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End of SAIC's Analysis
CIK: 1571123 CUSIP: 808625107 ISIN: US8086251076 LEI: - UEI: -
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