Income Statement

Profit & Loss · 14 Statements · From 2023 to 2010
In million , Margin in %
Metric 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
4,679.00 5,031.00 5,399.00 5,288.00 5,142.00 5,574.00 3,785.00 4,128.00 4,115.00 3,464.00 3,039.00 3.00 4,819.00 - -
1.0300 0.7700 -1.2000 0.0870 0.5900 0.5200 1.2700 0.7500 0.4700 -3.6000 -2.8300 0.6900 -0.5600 0.6300
1,597.00 1,612.00 1,402.00 1,491.00 1,613.00 1,617.00 1,353.00 1,436.00 1,315.00 886.00 650.00 - - 1,258.00 - -
Pre Tax
509.00 375.00 -346.00 50.00 279.00 238.00 701.00 389.00 197.00 -377.00 -298.00 73.00 -361.00 65.00
Tax %
34.35 34.50 -9.24 32.93 30.84 28.31 24.11 29.31 27.92 8.75 10.40 12.16 -22.71 8.69
328.00 243.00 -379.00 27.00 187.00 166.00 397.00 220.00 137.00 -344.00 -267.00 64.00 -444.00 59.00
848.00 723.00 413.00 417.00 586.00 557.00 793.00 570.00 470.00 181.00 129.00 319.00 728.00 -10.00
Operating Income
563.00 411.00 28.00 73.00 289.00 216.00 414.00 381.00 196.00 -340.00 -286.00 -41.00 -290.00 -10.00
Interest Income
48.00 53.00 80.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 7.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 - - 25.00 76.00
4,115.00 4,619.00 5,371.00 5,215.00 4,852.00 5,357.00 3,371.00 3,747.00 3,919.00 3,580.00 3,317.00 44.00 4,789.00 10.00
Cost of Revenue
3,082.00 3,418.00 3,997.00 3,797.00 3,528.00 3,957.00 2,432.00 2,692.00 2,800.00 2,578.00 2,389.00 3.00 3,561.00 - -
Operating Expenses
1,034.00 1,206.00 1,394.00 1,444.00 1,323.00 1,409.00 939.00 1,061.00 1,123.00 1,002.00 928.00 41.00 1,228.00 10.00
Depreciation and Amortization
247.00 253.00 655.00 341.00 272.00 293.00 210.00 224.00 268.00 521.00 415.00 - - 1,018.00 - -
Interest Expenses
97.00 97.00 105.00 32.00 40.00 29.00 17.00 12.00 10.00 14.00 31.00 - - 225.00 - -
Other Expenses
509.00 375.00 -346.00 50.00 279.00 238.00 701.00 389.00 197.00 -37.00 -12.00 115.00 -71.00 76.00
WA Shares Outstanding
317.00 317.00 317.00 317.00 316.00 317.00 312.00 294.00 293.00 95.00 94.00 94.00 791.00 94.00