Infineon Technologies AG Profile Avatar - Palmy Investing

Infineon Technologies AG

Infineon Technologies AG designs, develops, manufactures, and markets semiconductors and related system solutions worldwide. Its Automotive segment offers automotive microcontrollers; 3D ToF, magnetic, and pressure sensors; discrete power semiconductors;

DE, Munich [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Infineon Technologies AG (IFNNY) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Semiconductors Average - - - - - - 1,256,622.32 198,231.61 61,805.79 634,951.50 39,707.84 0.00 54.9839 119.36 0.3854 0.0568 0.01 0.02 2.3919 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 116,102,964.00 17,573,069.00 5,753,373.00 57,842,000.00 3,595,750.00 0.05 1,136.8115 8,343.51 1.5645 1.1949 0.19 0.30 10.1205 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 44.00 9.00 -9,585.00 -74,802.00 -28,147.00 0.00 -249.5471 -343.74 -0.2859 -0.9925 -0.08 -0.66 0.0000 - -
Amkor Technology, Inc. AMKR 25.27 0.14 0.56% 3,241 vs. 1,345 6,232.00 1,365.00 58.00 66.00 2,199.00 0.2400 33.2169 0.0025 0.1477 0.0431 0.0147 0.0088 2.0462 246.00
Power Integrations, Inc. POWI 61.70 0.48 0.78% 772 vs. 361 3,508.00 91.00 3.00 11.00 740.00 0.0696 253.9446 0.0028 0.5211 0.0431 0.0054 0.0049 6.3467 56.00
Wolfspeed, Inc. WOLF 7.04 0.04 0.57% 9,348 vs. 13,166 899.00 200.00 -148.00 -714.00 -2,753.00 -1.1800 -6.3169 0.0000 0.1106 -0.7419 -0.1456 -0.0193 3.8231 127.00
NXP Semiconductors N.V. NXPI 210.24 2.97 1.43% 6,082 vs. 2,320 53,433.00 3,125.00 639.00 593.00 -2,420.00 2.4900 24.7212 0.0041 0.5531 0.2044 0.0724 0.0274 1.4307 254.00
Diodes Incorporated DIOD 61.56 -0.74 -1.19% 239 vs. 327 2,852.00 301.00 14.00 -51.00 1,689.00 0.3100 57.8269 0.0000 0.3172 0.0465 0.0080 0.0060 1.7808 46.00
Lattice Semiconductor Corporation LSCC 57.87 -0.39 -0.67% 4,338 vs. 2,173 7,984.00 140.00 14.00 21.00 162.00 0.1100 181.7158 0.0000 0.6184 0.1051 0.0217 0.0181 2.5307 137.00
Infineon Technologies AG IFNNF 32.85 -1.25 -3.67% 0 vs. 8 42,677.00 3,632.00 394.00 101.00 6,695.00 0.3000 26.2724 0.0000 0.3866 0.1085 0.0247 0.0135 0.8315 1,299.00
Microchip Technology Incorporated MCHP 55.51 -0.48 -0.86% 26,781 vs. 6,839 29,809.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 537.00
MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings, Inc. MTSI 135.22 -1.71 -1.25% 1,270 vs. 544 9,789.00 181.00 14.00 13.00 -235.00 0.2100 115.0425 0.0000 0.4969 0.0827 0.0143 0.0089 5.4811 72.00
ON Semiconductor Corporation ON 65.50 0.70 1.08% 12,536 vs. 6,236 27,889.00 1,862.00 453.00 264.00 7,001.00 1.0600 17.3768 0.0000 0.4515 0.2432 0.0558 0.0336 1.6305 425.00
MaxLinear, Inc. MXL 19.07 -0.12 -0.63% 1,524 vs. 1,456 1,608.00 95.00 -72.00 7.00 -190.00 -0.8800 -5.4181 0.0000 0.5171 -0.7590 -0.1133 -0.0702 1.4211 84.00
Analog Devices, Inc. ADI 211.78 4.00 1.93% 6,526 vs. 2,873 105,105.00 2,159.00 302.00 619.00 10,239.00 0.6100 81.9231 0.0046 0.4588 0.1400 0.0086 0.0062 1.0216 496.00
Qorvo, Inc. QRVO 70.85 2.05 2.98% 17,806 vs. 1,913 6,697.00 940.00 2.00 169.00 -89.00 0.0283 1013.4058 0.0000 0.4361 0.0029 0.0008 0.0004 1.1842 94.00
Texas Instruments Incorporated TXN 186.87 2.40 1.30% 11,432 vs. 5,537 170,465.00 3,661.00 1,105.00 -231.00 52,199.00 1.2100 35.6526 0.0075 0.5722 0.3018 0.0651 0.0317 3.3954 912.00
Silicon Laboratories Inc. SLAB 125.00 1.17 0.94% 541 vs. 273 4,056.00 106.00 -56.00 -73.00 1,136.00 -1.7700 -20.2832 0.0000 0.4605 -0.5314 -0.0485 -0.0421 3.2804 32.00
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CIK: 1107457 CUSIP: 45662N103 ISIN: US45662N1037 LEI: - UEI: -
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