Income Statement

Profit & Loss · 8 Statements · From 2023 to 2016
In million , Margin in %
Metric 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
14,041.00 14,240.00 14,287.00 13,846.00 14,217.00 15,655.00 17,455.00 17,226.00
0.5800 2.9200 -5.7500 -1.2800 0.9100 2.3900 1.3200 1.0400
5,650.00 5,838.00 5,766.00 5,271.00 5,710.00 6,435.00 7,019.00 7,306.00
Pre Tax
258.00 -374.00 -4,554.00 -316.00 675.00 2,346.00 1,426.00 1,093.00
Tax %
-104.65 786.90 -8.96 14.56 -12.00 22.34 14.73 13.91
503.00 2,534.00 -4,991.00 -270.00 681.00 1,759.00 1,147.00 735.00
1,133.00 458.00 4,080.00 1,274.00 2,232.00 3,908.00 3,091.00 3,248.00
Operating Income
886.00 188.00 1,290.00 799.00 1,055.00 2,665.00 1,868.00 941.00
Interest Income
- - - - - - 59.00 56.00 77.00 124.00 283.00
13,155.00 14,052.00 12,997.00 13,262.00 13,374.00 14,338.00 15,527.00 15,116.00
Cost of Revenue
8,391.00 8,402.00 8,521.00 8,575.00 8,507.00 9,220.00 10,436.00 9,920.00
Operating Expenses
4,764.00 5,650.00 4,476.00 4,687.00 4,867.00 5,118.00 5,091.00 5,196.00
Depreciation and Amortization
- - 1,258.00 2,790.00 1,599.00 1,177.00 1,243.00 1,223.00 1,211.00
Interest Expenses
101.00 74.00 76.00 136.00 45.00 30.00 79.00 233.00
Other Expenses
-527.00 -488.00 -5,768.00 -1,115.00 -380.00 -319.00 -442.00 -1,067.00
WA Shares Outstanding
867.00 867.00 867.00 - - - - - - 867.00 867.00