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ASML Holding N.V.

ASML Holding N.V. develops, produces, markets, sells, and services advanced semiconductor equipment systems consisting of lithography, metrology, and inspection related systems for memory and logic chipmakers. The company provides extreme ultraviolet lit…

NL, Veldhoven [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared ASML Holding N.V. (ASML) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Semiconductor Equipment & Materials Average - - - - - - 1,229,469.19 187,039.44 58,301.24 599,662.75 37,036.81 0.00 65.5197 112.49 0.3851 0.0421 0.01 0.01 2.3809 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 116,102,964.00 17,573,069.00 5,753,373.00 57,842,000.00 3,595,750.00 0.05 1,136.8115 8,343.51 1.5645 1.1949 0.19 0.30 10.1205 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 44.00 9.00 -9,585.00 -74,802.00 -28,147.00 0.00 -249.5471 -343.74 -0.2859 -0.9925 -0.08 -0.66 0.0000 - -
ASML Holding N.V. ASML 705.68 -4.58 -0.64% 2,692 vs. 2,002 290,211.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 411.00
Teradyne, Inc. TER 125.95 0.76 0.61% 5,422 vs. 2,232 20,512.00 597.00 64.00 -36.00 730.00 0.4200 67.3188 0.0011 0.5644 0.1074 0.0251 0.0188 2.1336 162.00
Applied Materials, Inc. AMAT 163.59 2.15 1.33% 15,047 vs. 6,576 133,110.00 6,646.00 1,722.00 1,135.00 46,871.00 2.0700 24.7337 0.0016 0.4744 0.2591 0.0946 0.0539 1.7918 813.00
IPG Photonics Corporation IPGP 73.84 -0.61 -0.82% 1,297 vs. 247 3,193.00 252.00 24.00 26.00 2,819.00 0.5200 42.9868 0.0000 0.3870 0.0956 0.0103 0.0093 6.8919 43.00
Entegris, Inc. ENTG 99.46 1.55 1.58% 3,371 vs. 2,067 15,018.00 771.00 45.00 80.00 1,181.00 0.3000 116.8546 0.0007 0.3912 0.0587 0.0132 0.0054 1.6667 150.00
Axcelis Technologies, Inc. ACLS 69.47 0.29 0.42% 2,322 vs. 606 2,258.00 252.00 51.00 - - - - 1.5800 - - - - 0.4598 - - - - - - - - 32.00
KLA Corporation KLAC 629.37 7.19 1.16% 2,632 vs. 1,119 84,184.00 2,355.00 601.00 838.00 958.00 4.4600 39.8710 0.0021 0.5911 0.2554 0.1944 0.0402 1.3473 133.00
Lam Research Corporation LRCX 71.79 0.58 0.81% 29,281 vs. 12,117 92,370.00 3,793.00 965.00 1,281.00 24,051.00 7.3800 33.2502 0.0020 0.4784 0.2546 0.1204 0.0528 1.7778 1,286.00
Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. KLIC 46.95 -0.12 -0.25% 1,180 vs. 530 2,529.00 172.00 -102.00 -26.00 1,239.00 -1.8300 -6.8784 0.0040 0.4212 -0.5967 -0.1014 -0.0791 5.0054 53.00
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End of ASML's Analysis
CIK: 937966 CUSIP: N07059210 ISIN: USN070592100 LEI: - UEI: -
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