Heiwado Co.,Ltd.
Heiwado Co.,Ltd. engages in the retailing of food, clothing, and housing related products in Japan. It operates 154 stores, including 74 stores in Shiga; 6 stores in Fukui;
Department Stores
JP, Hikone [HQ]
Revenue Breakdowns
Segment Analysis Beta
The financial segments are sourced from the SEC' 10-K statement.Revenue By Top Segments
Heiwado Co.,Ltd. can't present it's latest revenue by geo. area
Revenue By Geographic Areas
Heiwado Co.,Ltd. can't present it's latest revenue by geo. area
Historical Revenue By Segment
Last 3Y, in mil. USDHeiwado Co.,Ltd. can't present revenue by segment
Historical Revenue By Geographic Area
Last 3Y, in mil. USDHeiwado Co.,Ltd. can't present revenue by geo. area