Visang Education Inc
Visang Education Inc publishes elementary, middle, and high school textbooks in South Korea. The company offers Wings, an interactive English program; Challenge, an English learning program with AR/MR technology; englisheye, an English academy;
KR, Seoul [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis
Similar Stocks · Benchmarked Analysis · Peer GroupA quick analysis that compared Visang Education Inc (100220.KS) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry.
All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.
Company | Price | Change | Volume, Avg. | Market Cap. | Revenue | Profit Net | Earnings | Free Cash Flow | Dividend Yield | P/E | EPS | Gross Margin % | Net Margin % | ROE % | ROA % | Quick Ratio % | Shares Outstanding | |
Publishing Average | - - | - - | - - | 30,613.75 | 12,108.55 | 341.35 | 1,793.30 | 710.58 | 0.01 | 14.3507 | 11.54 | 0.3364 | 0.0534 | 0.02 | -0.01 | 2.3198 | - - | |
Maximum | - - | - - | - - | 185,701.00 | 208,942.00 | 2,138.00 | 7,152.00 | 8,870.00 | 0.06 | 116.1548 | 213.87 | 0.6529 | 0.2121 | 0.06 | 0.26 | 14.6074 | - - | |
Minimum | - - | - - | - - | 0.00 | 25.00 | -103.00 | 0.00 | -650.00 | 0.00 | -37.3470 | -0.05 | 0.0643 | -0.3585 | -0.05 | -0.83 | 0.4514 | - - |
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