Income Statement

Profit & Loss · 13 Statements · From 2021 to 2009
In million , Margin in %
Metric 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
1,239.00 1,305.00 1,660.00 1,870.00 491.00 104.00 157.00 417.00 349.00 -468.00 -19.00 50.00 115.00
-84.9000 -23.5500 -6.1600 -3.7500 -3.5500 -4.7300 -2.0200 -1.1800 -1.8700 -4.5300 -3.2300 -1.7200 -1.6800
-545.00 -420.00 -41.00 -39.00 8.00 -156.00 -157.00 -30.00 -322.00 -357.00 - - -168.00 -35.00
Pre Tax
-2,191.00 -982.00 -647.00 -368.00 -338.00 -634.00 -527.00 -366.00 -623.00 -1,574.00 -1,139.00 -612.00 -395.00
Tax %
10.74 11.70 16.24 6.52 0.40 0.18 4.99 1.96 0.43 1.75 3.39 4.32 -68.73
-1,956.00 -867.00 -542.00 -344.00 -337.00 -633.00 -500.00 -353.00 -611.00 -1,545.00 -1,100.00 -586.00 -667.00
-1,343.00 -311.00 6.00 -73.00 -102.00 -263.00 -246.00 -205.00 -359.00 -1,021.00 -257.00 -260.00 -119.00
Operating Income
-1,562.00 -424.00 -60.00 -132.00 -162.00 -323.00 -307.00 -298.00 -469.00 -1,149.00 -352.00 -260.00 -119.00
Interest Income
- - - - 8.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 - - - - - - - - - -
1,862.00 1,807.00 1,778.00 2,006.00 658.00 416.00 455.00 744.00 879.00 101.00 177.00 338.00 228.00
Cost of Revenue
1,784.00 1,726.00 1,701.00 1,909.00 482.00 261.00 315.00 447.00 671.00 -110.00 -18.00 218.00 150.00
Operating Expenses
77.00 81.00 76.00 97.00 175.00 154.00 140.00 297.00 208.00 212.00 196.00 119.00 78.00
Depreciation and Amortization
218.00 113.00 66.00 58.00 60.00 60.00 61.00 92.00 110.00 128.00 94.00 - - - -
Interest Expenses
115.00 154.00 170.00 182.00 173.00 247.00 183.00 124.00 164.00 271.00 313.00 260.00 250.00
Other Expenses
-629.00 -557.00 -586.00 -235.00 -176.00 -310.00 -219.00 -68.00 -153.00 -424.00 -786.00 -352.00 -276.00
WA Shares Outstanding
23.00 36.00 88.00 91.00 95.00 133.00 247.00 299.00 327.00 340.00 340.00 340.00 396.00