SHINSEGAE FOOD Inc. Profile Avatar - Palmy Investing


SHINSEGAE FOOD Inc. engages in the food manufacture, food distribution, restaurant, and consignment meal service businesses in South Korea. It offers soups, stews, casseroles, salads, processed meat, sauces, noodles and rice cakes, baked goods, and fresh…

Packaged Foods
KR, Seoul [HQ]
Revenue Breakdowns

Segment Analysis Beta

The financial segments are sourced from the SEC' 10-K statement.

Revenue By Top Segments

SHINSEGAE FOOD Inc. can't present it's latest revenue by geo. area

Revenue By Geographic Areas

SHINSEGAE FOOD Inc. can't present it's latest revenue by geo. area

Historical Revenue By Segment

Last 3Y, in mil. USD

SHINSEGAE FOOD Inc. can't present revenue by segment

Historical Revenue By Geographic Area

Last 3Y, in mil. USD

SHINSEGAE FOOD Inc. can't present revenue by geo. area

End of 031440.KS's Analysis
CIK: - CUSIP: - ISIN: KR7031440001 LEI: - UEI: -
Secondary Listings
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