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ETF appearance statistics
Stock Screener

Total appearance as asset, popularity rank, average weighting, total equivalent across all ETFs and amount of shares

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Ticker Appearance Amount Popularity Rank Average Weighting Assets Value Shares Amount Ticker
A 1 4 0.0150 28,270 30,000
AAL 1 4 0.0170 31,537 33,420
AAPL 3 2 2.6153 3,906,544 2,352,466
ABBV 2 3 0.0710 1,155,777 1,230,000
ABC 1 4 0.0220 42,346 50,000
ABNB 1 4 2.4560 255,411 0
ABT 1 4 0.0500 94,320 97,000
ACGL 1 4 0.0170 31,614 33,000
ADBE 1 4 0.0390 73,304 85,000
ADC 1 4 0.0110 20,896 25,000
ADEN.SW 1 4 1.0020 12,636,954 300,529
ADI 2 3 0.5120 285,651 76,065
ADM 1 4 0.0250 46,869 50,000
ADP 1 4 0.0300 56,821 65,000
ADSK 2 3 0.5110 173,268 75,000
AEE 3 2 1.4950 9,060,564 205,517
AEP 3 2 3.0360 18,259,314 267,952
AER 1 4 0.0830 156,686 180,000
AES 3 2 1.0523 6,207,238 354,208
AFG 1 4 0.0080 14,903 15,000
AFL 1 4 0.0150 28,193 30,000
AGR 1 4 0.0130 24,280 25,000
AIG 1 4 0.0340 63,542 67,000
AIZ 1 4 0.0110 21,447 25,000
AJG 1 4 0.0060 11,909 15,000
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