Income Statement

Profit & Loss · 8 Statements · From 2023 to 2016
In million , Margin in %
Metric 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
22,919.00 24,147.00 24,175.00 25,939.00 22,885.00 29,487.00 34,057.00 35,597.00
1.0500 2.0000 1.8800 1.7700 -1.0300 0.5500 1.0200 2.0900
4,053.00 4,217.00 4,306.00 4,587.00 3,719.00 4,655.00 5,492.00 6,148.00
Pre Tax
131.00 404.00 496.00 511.00 -294.00 214.00 361.00 678.00
Tax %
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
210.00 444.00 407.00 385.00 -226.00 164.00 265.00 506.00
888.00 951.00 1,012.00 1,057.00 405.00 839.00 1,000.00 1,432.00
Operating Income
414.00 574.00 658.00 699.00 -17.00 424.00 594.00 1,017.00
Interest Income
- - - - - - 184.00 238.00 213.00 255.00 324.00
22,452.00 23,574.00 23,516.00 25,240.00 22,923.00 29,052.00 33,451.00 34,566.00
Cost of Revenue
18,866.00 19,930.00 19,869.00 21,352.00 19,166.00 24,832.00 28,565.00 29,449.00
Operating Expenses
3,586.00 3,644.00 3,647.00 3,888.00 3,757.00 4,220.00 4,886.00 5,117.00
Depreciation and Amortization
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interest Expenses
229.00 170.00 175.00 184.00 238.00 213.00 255.00 324.00
Other Expenses
-107.00 1.00 12.00 -188.00 -277.00 -210.00 -233.00 -29.00
WA Shares Outstanding
200.00 222.00 216.00 218.00 220.00 222.00 224.00 239.00