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Magna International Inc.

Magna International Inc. designs, engineers, and manufactures components, assemblies, systems, subsystems, and modules for original equipment manufacturers of vehicles and light trucks worldwide. It operates through four segments: Body Exteriors & Struct…

Auto - Parts
CA, Aurora [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Magna International Inc. (MGA) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Auto Parts Average - - - - - - 254,804.58 214,195.90 9,384.39 55,022.06 8,516.15 0.01 67.5705 106.00 0.1809 -0.0731 -0.01 0.01 1.4666 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 21,962,110.00 14,001,808.00 921,233.00 1,841,802.00 852,312.00 0.05 10,233.0014 9,889.39 1.0000 0.8091 0.05 0.61 8.2433 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 -52,008.00 -251,058.00 -53,861.00 0.00 -829.8216 -2,405.91 -2.9051 -9.4207 -2.10 -0.75 0.0000 - -
Aptiv PLC APTV 59.16 0.31 0.52% 290 vs. 3,949 13,905.00 4,901.00 218.00 - - - - 0.7900 - - - - 0.1592 - - - - - - - - 235.00
Autoliv, Inc. ALV 91.20 -0.70 -0.76% 41 vs. 797 7,182.00 2,615.00 126.00 - - - - 1.5300 - - - - 0.1694 - - - - - - - - 78.00
BorgWarner Inc. BWA 31.75 -0.13 -0.39% 104 vs. 2,185 6,944.00 3,595.00 206.00 -318.00 6,325.00 0.9000 9.6828 0.0031 0.1791 0.0573 0.0353 0.0146 1.1323 218.00
Dorman Products, Inc. DORM 130.62 -0.74 -0.56% 7 vs. 170 3,986.00 468.00 32.00 41.00 1,075.00 1.0500 22.8584 0.0000 0.3871 0.0700 0.0280 0.0148 1.1185 30.00
Fox Factory Holding Corp. FOXF 29.74 -0.13 -0.44% 36 vs. 704 1,239.00 333.00 -3.00 0.00 865.00 -0.0839 -155.0855 0.0000 0.2756 -0.0105 -0.0029 -0.0016 1.0516 41.00
Gentex Corporation GNTX 29.02 -0.13 -0.43% 61 vs. 1,574 6,601.00 590.00 108.00 94.00 1,378.00 0.4700 19.0273 0.0034 0.3426 0.1834 0.0455 0.0399 1.9952 227.00
Lear Corporation LEA 94.28 -0.50 -0.53% 41 vs. 785 5,123.00 5,994.00 109.00 -148.00 5,664.00 1.9100 18.9203 0.0055 0.0664 0.0183 0.0224 0.0074 0.8565 54.00
LKQ Corporation LKQ 36.56 -0.32 -0.87% 98 vs. 2,463 9,504.00 3,703.00 158.00 187.00 7,367.00 0.5900 22.4753 0.0057 0.3702 0.0427 0.0257 0.0103 0.5678 259.00
Magna International Inc. MGA 41.71 -0.51 -1.21% 85 vs. 1,569 11,985.00 10,920.00 9.00 -230.00 9,161.00 0.0312 425.0105 0.0088 0.0841 0.0008 0.0008 0.0003 0.7295 287.00
Visteon Corporation VC 86.95 1.24 1.45% 15 vs. 324 2,401.00 933.00 42.00 32.00 2,316.00 1.5200 19.2691 0.0000 0.1275 0.0450 0.0400 0.0153 1.3049 27.00
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End of MGA's Analysis
CIK: 749098 CUSIP: 559222401 ISIN: CA5592224011 LEI: - UEI: -
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