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ITT Inc.

ITT Inc. manufactures and sells engineered critical components and customized technology solutions for the transportation, industrial, and energy markets worldwide. The company operates through three segments: Motion Technologies, Industrial Process, and…

Industrial - Machinery
US, White Plains [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared ITT Inc. (ITT) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Specialty Industrial Machinery Average - - - - - - 178,010.82 59,685.69 1,481.33 11,389.89 1,318.80 0.00 26.9332 42.82 0.2578 0.0357 0.01 0.05 1.5691 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 15,132,927.00 6,245,800.00 176,400.00 1,577,068.00 1,288,302.00 0.05 2,224.5336 2,133.58 1.0000 0.8565 0.06 10.78 20.6815 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 -55,024.00 -419,899.00 -975,128.00 0.00 -1,799.6854 -353.42 -0.2260 -4.3268 -0.04 -3.25 0.2208 - -
Watts Water Technologies, Inc. WTS 205.58 -9.18 -4.27% 238 vs. 138 6,852.00 570.00 72.00 35.00 1,022.00 2.1700 24.1425 0.0017 0.4686 0.1272 0.0468 0.0311 1.3420 33.00
ITT Inc. ITT 142.27 -6.79 -4.56% 430 vs. 370 11,595.00 910.00 111.00 30.00 2,857.00 1.3500 25.1839 0.0024 0.3303 0.1219 0.0431 0.0252 1.0154 81.00
Ingersoll Rand Inc. IR 92.87 -4.68 -4.80% 1,995 vs. 2,139 37,427.00 1,670.00 202.00 99.00 1,891.00 0.5000 46.7868 0.0002 0.4469 0.1211 0.0205 0.0130 1.5793 403.00
Xylem Inc. XYL 116.92 -3.85 -3.19% 1,617 vs. 1,344 28,405.00 2,033.00 153.00 15.00 2,667.00 0.6300 50.8368 0.0028 0.3704 0.0753 0.0150 0.0096 1.1103 242.00
IDEX Corporation IEX 211.65 -10.54 -4.74% 488 vs. 603 16,026.00 800.00 121.00 136.00 4,055.00 1.6000 37.5491 0.0027 0.4465 0.1517 0.0335 0.0206 2.2983 75.00
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End of ITT's Analysis
CIK: 216228 CUSIP: 45073V108 ISIN: US45073V1089 LEI: - UEI: -
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