Income Statement

Profit & Loss · 12 Statements · From 2020 to 2009
In million , Margin in %
Metric 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
- - 295.00 356.00 416.00 471.00 583.00 635.00 677.00 715.00 690.00 708.00 793.00
- - 0.2200 0.2900 0.3300 0.4000 0.3800 0.5500 0.6500 0.4400 0.7200 0.7500 0.9400
- - 295.00 356.00 416.00 471.00 583.00 635.00 646.00 682.00 658.00 672.00 764.00
Pre Tax
- - 98.00 125.00 144.00 175.00 206.00 280.00 299.00 280.00 270.00 286.00 296.00
Tax %
- - 37.11 36.98 38.72 36.27 36.20 35.38 35.76 54.83 25.09 31.82 25.28
- - 62.00 78.00 88.00 112.00 131.00 181.00 192.00 126.00 202.00 195.00 221.00
- - 104.00 133.00 153.00 186.00 223.00 298.00 318.00 502.00 577.00 325.00 340.00
Operating Income
- - 98.00 125.00 144.00 175.00 206.00 280.00 299.00 482.00 558.00 286.00 296.00
Interest Income
- - 424.00 469.00 496.00 545.00 660.00 731.00 793.00 881.00 968.00 1,040.00 980.00
- - -197.00 -231.00 -272.00 -296.00 -377.00 -354.00 62.00 -232.00 -131.00 -421.00 -496.00
Cost of Revenue
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.00 32.00 31.00 36.00 28.00
Operating Expenses
- - -197.00 -231.00 -272.00 -296.00 -377.00 -354.00 31.00 -232.00 -131.00 -421.00 -496.00
Depreciation and Amortization
- - 5.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 16.00 17.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 38.00 44.00
Interest Expenses
- - 159.00 144.00 123.00 109.00 118.00 136.00 153.00 201.00 288.00 385.00 255.00
Other Expenses
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -432.00 -201.00 -288.00 -683.00 -627.00
WA Shares Outstanding
- - 279.00 274.00 273.00 279.00 344.00 329.00 297.00 290.00 281.00 262.00 235.00