Market Cap.:50.1 B
Market Capitalization - Sizes
Here you can see how we classify a market capitalization.
< 100 Mil.
> 100 Mil.
> 1 Bil.
> 10 Bil.
> 100 Bil.
x3.3Industry Within Country Benchmark (IWCB)
The multiplier shows you the relation between a reported metric, e.g. Earnings Per Share (EPS)
and the μ EPS value of the corporate's industry.
We exclude other countries from the average calculation in order to
take into account the specific economic and regulatory conditions in that country.
Industry Within Country Benchmark (IWCB)
The multiplier shows you the relation between a reported metric, e.g. Earnings Per Share (EPS)
and the μ EPS value of the corporate's industry.
We exclude other countries from the average calculation in order to
take into account the specific economic and regulatory conditions in that country.
Earnings Call
No. The last one was
1 year, 7 months ago
Dividend Waiting Time
We compute the average time difference between dividend payments
and assign an indicator that holds a general grade for that frequency.
Average time between dividend payments is less than 3 months.
Average time between dividend payments is between 3 to 6 months.
Average time between dividend payments is more than 6 months.
Latest Dividends History
Each bar represents a dividend payment made within the last 12 months, with the bar's height relative to the maximum dividend paid within that timeframe.
See all Dividends.
Volume LevelVolume Deviation Rating System (VDRS)
We compare the 15-minute delayed volume to the average volume and grade the percentual deviation.
Deviation >= 20%
Moderate High
Deviation between 10% to 20%
Deviation between -10% to 10%
Moderate Low
Deviation between -20% to -10%
Deviation between <= -20%
μ 86,624
Moderate Low
Performance Ranks (Intraday)A system to benchmark ET-PD's relative intraday performance.
Each star represents "20% have worse results", e.g. 4/5 stars symbolize that the corporate had a better result than 80% of the benchmark compotion.
United States:
out of
out of
Peer Group:
out of
Energy Transfer LP provides energy-related services. The company owns and operates approximately 11,600 miles of natural gas transportation pipeline, and three natural gas storage facilities in Texas and two natural gas storage facilities located in the state of Texas and Oklahoma; and 19,830 miles of interstate natural gas pipeline. It also sells natural gas to electric utilities, independent power plants, local distribution and other marketing companies, and industrial end-users.
Energy Transfer LP provides energy-related services. The company owns and operates approximately 11,600 miles of natural gas transportation pipeline, and three natural gas storage facilities in Texas and two natural gas storage facilities located in …
Energy Transfer LP provides energy-related services. The company owns and operates approximately 11,600 miles of natural gas transportation pipeline, and three natural gas storage facilities in Texas and two natural gas storage facilities located in the state of Texas and Oklahoma; and 19,830 miles of interstate natural gas pipeline. It also sells natural gas to electric utilities, independent power plants, local distribution and other marketing companies, and industrial end-users.
Energy Transfer LP provides energy-related services. The company owns and operates approximately 11,600 miles of natural gas transportation pipeline, and three natural gas storage facilities in Texas and two natural gas storage facilities located in …