Akamai Technologies, Inc. Profile Avatar - Palmy Investing

Akamai Technologies, Inc.

Akamai Technologies, Inc. provides cloud services for securing, delivering, and optimizing content and business applications over the internet in the United States and internationally. The company offers cloud solutions to keep infrastructure, websites, …

Software - Infrastructure
US, Cambridge [HQ]
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Peer Group Analysis

A quick analysis that compared Akamai Technologies, Inc. (AKAM) to it's peer group, including competitors as well as it's industry. All monetary values in mil. except volume - volume is in thousands.

Company Price Change Volume, Avg. Market Cap. Revenue Profit Net Earnings Free Cash Flow Dividend Yield P/E EPS Gross Margin % Net Margin % ROE % ROA % Quick Ratio % Shares Outstanding
Software—Infrastructure Average - - - - - - 97,279.81 1,406.18 324.58 2,446.27 308.45 0.00 203.6081 0.06 0.5652 -0.0681 -0.16 -0.33 2.1128 - -
Maximum - - - - - - 3,246,068.00 61,858.00 21,939.00 159,394.00 20,965.00 0.02 8,696.4416 2.95 0.9343 0.3547 0.08 3.41 14.5407 - -
Minimum - - - - - - 1.00 0.00 -133.00 -5,544.00 -2,779.00 0.00 -1,014.9075 -7.42 -0.7228 -5.1225 -8.77 -26.33 0.0006 - -
Akamai Technologies, Inc. AKAM 95.89 1.31 1.39% 2,445 vs. 1,769 14,405.00 986.00 175.00 178.00 2,643.00 1.1600 23.6257 0.0000 0.5620 0.1777 0.0379 0.0177 2.9561 150.00
Amdocs Limited DOX 87.01 0.86 1.00% 1,253 vs. 635 9,816.00 1,245.00 118.00 113.00 6,709.00 1.0200 22.1581 0.0048 0.3547 0.0951 0.0334 0.0185 1.1565 112.00
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. CHKP 188.05 1.04 0.56% 1,219 vs. 697 20,682.00 598.00 183.00 354.00 13,352.00 1.6400 25.0797 0.0000 0.8687 0.3071 0.0665 0.0334 1.1167 109.00
CyberArk Software Ltd. CYBR 319.15 3.97 1.26% 489 vs. 466 15,731.00 221.00 5.00 66.00 -27.00 0.1300 512.4440 0.0000 0.8080 0.0247 0.0065 0.0027 1.1055 49.00
F5, Inc. FFIV 252.25 1.84 0.73% 887 vs. 582 14,785.00 681.00 119.00 212.00 2,935.00 2.0200 23.4419 0.0000 0.8099 0.1747 0.0406 0.0221 0.8598 58.00
FLEETCOR Technologies, Inc. FLT 303.26 -2.54 -0.83% 334 vs. 456 21,790.00 935.00 229.00 308.00 8,422.00 3.2000 23.8872 0.0000 0.7782 0.2457 0.0706 0.0145 0.5306 71.00
GoDaddy Inc. GDDY 205.41 2.47 1.22% 953 vs. 1,162 28,837.00 1,106.00 401.00 292.00 -2,066.00 2.8200 10.7482 0.0000 0.5919 0.3627 0.9679 0.0503 0.3330 140.00
Qualys, Inc. QLYS 140.73 -1.87 -1.31% 846 vs. 429 5,149.00 145.00 39.00 83.00 -205.00 1.0800 38.8980 0.0000 0.8135 0.2725 0.0983 0.0461 1.4558 36.00
Rapid7, Inc. RPD 39.36 -0.89 -2.21% 1,199 vs. 761 2,487.00 205.00 2.00 27.00 -1,007.00 0.0365 337.0932 0.0000 0.6882 0.0110 -0.0261 0.0015 1.0281 63.00
SPS Commerce, Inc. SPSC 188.32 -1.98 -1.04% 364 vs. 204 7,074.00 149.00 18.00 30.00 277.00 0.4900 94.7885 0.0000 0.6268 0.1204 0.0264 0.0214 2.5552 37.00
Tenable Holdings, Inc. TENB 41.05 0.11 0.27% 1,795 vs. 895 4,931.00 215.00 -14.00 47.00 -839.00 -0.1200 -100.7841 0.0000 0.7734 -0.0666 -0.0401 -0.0092 1.0516 120.00
VeriSign, Inc. VRSN 198.84 5.40 2.79% 1,725 vs. 611 19,108.00 384.00 194.00 253.00 -13,192.00 1.9300 24.5820 0.0000 0.8722 0.5051 -0.1187 0.1123 0.7683 96.00
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End of AKAM's Analysis
CIK: 1086222 CUSIP: 00971T101 ISIN: US00971T1016 LEI: - UEI: -
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