Takashimaya Company, Limited Profile Avatar - Palmy Investing

Takashimaya Company, Limited

Takashimaya Company, Limited engages in the operation of department stores. Its department stores offer an array of products, including select brand items, clothing, personal items, household goods, groceries, and miscellaneous goods. The company is invo…

Department Stores
JP, Osaka [HQ]
Competitors · Subsidiaries · Locations

Context Analysis

U.S. · Business Intelligence
Worldwide · Business Intelligence
Worldwide · Competitors Table
Competitor Private? Source Accuracy Country City
J. Front Retailing Co., Ltd. FMP High Japan Tokyo
Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. FMP High Japan Tokyo
Shimizu Corporation FMP High Japan Tokyo
Worldwide · Subsidiaries Table
Subsidiary Private? Country City
- - - -
End of 8233.T's Analysis
CIK: - CUSIP: - ISIN: JP3456000003 LEI: - UEI: -
Secondary Listings
8233.T has no secondary listings inside our databases.