Welcome to Palmy

Custom & Prebuilt Screeners For Value/Fundamental Investors.

The Most Powerful Solution To Find Undervalued Stocks

Palmy's Stock Screener For Your Custom Criterea

Find better investments through filtering 10k+ worldwide listed stocks. Build your own stock screeners with more than 240 custom financial criteria:

  • Income Statement Metrics
  • Cash Flow Statement Figures
  • Balance Sheet Figures
  • Key Financial Ratios
  • Growth Ratios
  • Forward Multipliers

Or scope your search to specific índustries, sectors and countries:

  • 229x Countries
  • 154x Industries
  • 11x Sectors
The Most Powerful Solution To Find Undervalued Stocks

Prebuilt Stock Screener 40+ And Counting.

Discover our prebuilt stock screener for various popular investment strategies. Also get new premium insights with our PRO screeners such as:

  • Product Problems
  • Risk Factors
  • Qualitative Analysis
  • Lynch Approach
  • Institutional Superiority
  • ... 35 More

40x Prebuilt Screeners to empower your research

We convince with new, unprecedented screen criteria

High Earnings per Share
Board Compensation
Drug Recalls [Pharma]
Med. Device Recalls [Pharma]
Consumer Good Recalls
Supply Breadth
Government Reliance

... while presenting the base line with important & well-known screeners

Graham Fellows
High Retail Ownership
Low P/E Ratio
Significant Volume
Bearish Today

Palmy currently serves 40 screeners and the opportunity to see all stocks a certain sector, industry, country or city has, but that's just the start - There are more than 12 screeners suggested by our customers we currently work on.


There Is Even More Meet All Solutions

PRO Research

Access the most proficient research solution for worldwide retail investing.

Portfolio Manager

Alpha, Beta, Vola ... Your all in one portfolio manager - Periodic KPI calculations with custom index benchmarks & risk awareness.

Smart Watchlist

Best way to track stocks you may invest in. Integrated allocation view, news and event tracking to stay up to date.


Simple pricing for great solutions

Trusted by retail investors, semi professionals, students, and numerous individuals representing companies across diverse industries worldwide.

Annual Pay Saved 25%
Monthly Pay


€0 /month

Super to explore - Free forever

  • 10x Watchlists
  • 10x Custom Screeners
  • 1x Portfolios
  • Limited Stock Analysis
  • 3 Stocks Compared At Once

PRO Best Value

9.75 /month

Use your competitive edge.

  • Priority Que
  • Export Charts and Tables
  • Unlimited Watchlists
  • Unlimited Screeners
  • 5x Portfolios
  • Unlimited Stock Analysis
  • 8 Stocks Compared At Once
  • See all benefits...

Data PRO

€34.99 /month

Available soon - API plan.

  • API Access
  • Personal Usage
  • X Commercial/Distributive Usage
For Business


Let's connect and see if Palmy can fulfill your specific data needs.


Answering your frequent questions

Where do you get your data from?
Key components of the infrastructure include the Census Bureau, Department of Labor (DOL), USAspending.gov, USPTO, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank, OpenAI, Gemini, and manually compiled datasets such as those from Professor Damodaran. Non-SEC-related data primarily comes from Financial Modeling Prep (FMP). US Financials and 10-K/10-Q related information are sourced directly from the SEC.
How reliable is your platform?
Even though we are a very new startup, our current version, v. 0.2.4 is very reliable. We validate every financial number before it goes to the public by applying multiple algorithms.
What's the difference between PRO and Lite?
The key difference is quantity, and unlimited access to every PRO solution Palmy offers. Head over to the plan comparison for a detailed differentiation.
How do I upgrade to a PRO plan?
Our payment gateway is Stripe. You either subscribe monthly or yearly with a valid debit/credit card. We also introduced "link" to subscribe. Become PRO
Can I cancel at anytime?
Yes, you can cancel anytime - No questions are required to be answered while you cancel.
What can we expect from future updates?
Optimizing the platform, fixing bugs as well as introducing new solutions mainly focused on providing exclusive insights related to SEC' financial data.
To name two concrete goals for the next 3 months:
  • Extracting voting power portions and shareholder proposals from the proxy DEF 14a.
  • Introducing supply chain analysis for U.S. stocks shipping worldwide products.
Can I use this platform on mobile?
Yes, you can access our platform on all devices, worldwide.
Is there a student discount?
Sure! Any student who is interested in Palmy PRO can contact us with a valid student e-mail to retrieve an unbeatable discount.
How to contact Palmy?
There are plenty of options listed inside our contacts page.