All available stocks that are located in the China, Jiangyin
Ticker Price Market cap. - In mil. Eps P/E ratio Sector Exchange Volume - In Thous. Revenue - In mil.
000708.SZ $1.72 $8,662 1.00 12.26 SHZ 9,197
000700.SZ $1.08 $992 0.63 12.25 Consumer Cyclical SHZ 28,610
000936.SZ $1.02 $901 0.13 55.92 SHZ 16,367
002445.SZ $0.33 $786 0.01 235.00 Industrials SHZ 33,125
002455.SZ $1.24 $710 -0.54 -16.35 SHZ 33,212
000518.SZ $0.47 $487 -0.05 -67.60 SHZ 100,377
000890.SZ $0.53 $224 -0.02 -191.00 SHZ 62,160
1597.HK $0.66 $165 -0.08 -63.75 Industrials HKSE 1