API Financial Datasets to Dive Deeper.
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Which companies report such data?

Private and public companies. We currently only consider public companies that are listed on the NASDAQ/NYSE for lobbying activity.

Why should we care?

Lobbying stands for pushing the company goals forward. These expenses are used to influence US politics in a way that should help the business. However, if the outcome does not align with the expenses, the result might be a waste of money and a strategic loss in D.C.

How many companies present at least one contract?

Here is a list of all companies that have at least one lobbying activity.

When is the data updated?

Palmy searches for new lobbying expenses once per day, per company. Please note that the process of matching companies with their lobbying activity is extremely complex because most companies report their activity through a holding structure and therefore won’t match directly.

What’s the data source?

We retrieve our data from the LDA.

Is your data accurate?

Palmy saves LD 1/2 filings with the original source (link) to verify accuracy by the end user.

Can I scrape this data?

That’s prohibited from our site. Either use the manual download as a PRO member or subscribe to our API.

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